RF Field meter is a device that is used to tune a transmitter; it’s also used for determining the signals and voltages of signals. It consists of several capacitors and diodes. Based on our activity, the nearer the phone is to the field meter the higher the voltage can be detected and the farther it is to the meter, the lower the voltage is detected. But once an element is added, it gains more voltage maybe because the pen I used is a good conductor. The LCD screen (From laptop) which we have has higher voltage because it’s magnetic force according to Faraday’s law. I didn’t get to try the field meter on a microwave because we don’t have a microwave oven but I think the field meter will be able to detect it since it has a frequency range of .3Ghz to 300Ghz.
How did you determine if it is electric or magnetic in nature? Do you have photos of your device?
TumugonBurahinPlease post your measurements with the narrative so that we can get a better idea of how the tests went.