DIY Capacitor

A capacitor is a device that stores electric charges. It consists of 2 electrical conductors separated by a dielectric material. The DIY Capacitor I created is made up of aluminum foil, cling wrap, copper wires, and duck tapes. The 2 aluminum foils serves as the electrical conductors which were separated by a cling wrap which serves as the dielectric material. The copper wires serve as the terminals that are why they should also never stick to each other. The way I tested my capacitor is by connecting its terminals for a few moment then checking its voltage. The highest voltage I saw was I think around .08V.

Leyden jar

Leyden jar is a homemade device which stores static electricity like a capacitor. It consists of a plastic container, salt water, a metal object, aluminum foil, and copper wires. The Leyden jar I created only stores estimated values which are only Nano Farad. According to what I’ve read, plastic containers can use have up to 50kV. To test if you Leyden jar is working, you need to charge up the positive terminal of your Leyden jar then connect it to the negative terminal. If you see a spark, (if the charge is enough) you created a working Leyden jar capacitor.