A capacitor is a device that stores electric charges. It consists of 2 electrical conductors separated by a dielectric material. The DIY Capacitor I created is made up of aluminum foil, cling wrap, copper wires, and duck tapes. The 2 aluminum foils serves as the electrical conductors which were separated by a cling wrap which serves as the dielectric material. The copper wires serve as the terminals that are why they should also never stick to each other. The way I tested my capacitor is by connecting its terminals for a few moment then checking its voltage. The highest voltage I saw was I think around .08V.
Duck tape is always singular in form when used (not duck tapes). Use the formula for capacitance to determine if your capacitor is working correctly. Your current score for this post is 2/5. Play around with the d value and area to get the best possible performance from the capacitor.
TumugonBurahinSir, i mean scotch tape (the transparent one).
TumugonBurahini tested it by putting 3 batteries in series like the leyden jar and charging it. leaving for a few minutes then measuring the voltage
TumugonBurahinThis is still insufficient since you didn't narrow down what affects it directly and merely focused on the voltage. Besides the effect of changing the voltage on the capacitance was not even explored 2/5